The first months of 1912 marked the beginning of the construction works for the large stone building that was intended to house the Customs House in the Venetian harbour of Chania between the seven shipyards and the “Grand Arsenal”. That is why the building is still known as “Old Customs House”. It was designed and built by Michalis Savvakis (who also supervised the construction works) and the contractor G. Kassimatis. The construction works were finalised by the contractor Konstantinos Lygidakis. Some years ago, the area was restored and equipped following funding provided by the Action “Sustainability and Quality of life in Crete” as part of the Operational Programme NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) for Crete and the Aegean Islands. At present, it operates as a modern cultural centre that features a theatre with a capacity of 400 which can host international conferences. In October 2017, the official opening of the Mikis Theodorakis Theatre took place, in the presence of the great composer.