About this project

Operational Program: OP CRETE 2014-2020
Structural Fund: ΕΤΠΑ
Investment Priority: 2g
BudgetΔ.Δ.: 140.888,00 €
Co-financed Δ.Δ.: 140.888,00 €
Date of inclusion: 10/01/2019
MIS Code: 5032522
The aim of the proposed act is to make use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to achieve an integrated promotion and management of cultural spaces and activities of the Municipality of Chania. This will be accomplished through an online information system that will support the integrated promotion and management of the spaces and cultural activities of the Municipality of Chania and its legal entities within the sustainable urban development area. In particular, the act aims to accomplish:
- An integrated presentation and management of cultural spaces and cultural events, the submission of requests for the use of cultural spaces and the promotion of the intangible cultural heritage of Chania (e.g. traditional trades) through an online information system
- The presentation of the content of the online culture information system on special screens in selected parts of the city in order to inform the public (residents – visitors) on current cultural events (digital signage)
- The online live digital transmission of cultural events (Live streaming) and their online storage for future viewing
- The promotion of the cultural wealth of the Municipal Gallery through digital services and for educational purposes (digital display of permanent collection on screens, Interactive educational games)